Why is it no longer the older you get the more problems build up in your life but rather the younger? I am the youngest of four in my family and from a lot of observation of my two older brothers and older sister I have noticed that I have way more problems in my life then they have ever had. What I mean by problems is stress, financial issues, relationship drama and so much more.
When I was a little girl and my dolls arm would break off and I would cry hysterically, my mother would always tell me not to stress over the little things and to save it for when I am older because that is when the stress really begins. As a little girl when my mother would say the word ‘older’ I would think she meant when I was a mother myself, but now I am starting to believe she meant when I hit puberty or pretty much middle school.
I have a younger cousin who is a duplicate version of me. When I say, “duplicate” please don’t take that lightly because I definitely mean the exact same person just 7 years younger. The only difference between us is that she has three times more stress in her life and drama she has to deal with and its not ‘all’ her just being a drama queen. Don’t get me wrong, she is a bit of a dramatic if you know what I mean, but half the time she is right on the ball with her emotions as far as how much she can truly control the issue. We talk almost every day and at least once in that conversation I find myself counseling her and trying to calm her down. As I do that I start to think that I don’t remember having that many dramatic occurrences or that much stress when I was in my teens. When I look at her and her friends that make up this younger generation I get really worried because they are growing up way too fast. I don’t know why they are under the impression that they need to be little adults at the age of 16 but all I have to say to that is, PLEASE SLOW DOWN! Enjoy being a kid and enjoy being carefree because trust me kids as you get older it only gets worse. If I could rewind back to my teen years I would in a heartbeat. Leave the sex, drugs and rock and roll for when you are actually able to do something about the consequences that occur from them. Because we all know that getting pregnant, overdosing on drugs, driving drunk and dreaming bigger then your little hearts and minds can control, will only lead to one thing and one thing only, disastrous outcomes that put you in a position that you can not physically get out of. At least you could not get out of it without either hurting yourself or someone else.
Is it by choice that we grow up too fast or is it put on a platter and served to us with no questions asked?
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